Agassiz Weed Control District – submitted by Bairn Mooney

The AWCD has been in existence since 1975. The areas covered today include the RM of Brokenhead, RM of Lac Du Bonnet, towns of Beausejour and Lac Du Bonnet, and the L.U.D. of Garson and Tyndall.

The AWCD office is in the RM Brokenhead Municipal Office Building. The spray and larviciding operations work from the RM of Brokenhead maintenance yard site located east of Beausejour.

The seasonal staff consists of a Spray Truck Operator and 2 summer students for larviciding/mowing. The Weed Supervisor position is a 7 month seasonal position currently filled by Bairn Mooney. The AWCD may be reached at 204-268-1764 or by email